While practicing good oral hygiene, taking enough vitamin B12, iron and folate and reducing stress may all contribute to preventing canker sores from appearing. Also the use of toothpaste that does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) will dramatically prevent canker sore to develop. People who experience frequent canker sores are advised to take dietary supplements as well as blood and allergy tests to identify what might be causing the recurrent sores.
Practice good oral hygiene.
Proper oral hygiene can help to prevent the likelihood you will experience stomatitis. This includes brushing your teeth at least twice daily and using dental floss after each meal. These habits can help to keep irritating bacteria and food particles out of your mouth.
Drink enough water.
Drinking plenty of water each day is another important healthy habit to practice. This helps to prevent dry mouth that can lead to irritation and increase your risk for tooth decay. A healthy diet also is beneficial in preventing malnutrition that can trigger a canker sore outbreak.
Be stress-free.
Keeping your stress levels low also makes for a healthier body, which in turn may help to prevent cold and canker sores. Get plenty of sleep each day and take a little time out for yourself, whether it’s reading, taking a walk or meditating a few minutes per day. This is important not only to prevent canker sores, but to reduce the risk of disease in general.
Wash hands.
Frequent hand washing can help keep infectious material, such as the herpes simplex virus, from entering your body and causing stomatitis.
Regularly visit your dentist.
Visit your dentist regularly. Regular trips to your dentist aren’t just to check for cavities. Your dentist also can take a look at any lesions you may be experiencing or address any concerns regarding recurrent stomatitis symptoms. Your dentist can help you identify potential stomatitis triggers and discuss the effects of medications you may be taking.
Avoid irritants.
Allergic reactions to irritants can lead to stomatitis. For example, those with celiac disease, a condition that keeps the body from digesting the gluten protein, may experience stomatitis when exposed to gluten-containing foods.
Avoid aggressive brushing.
Don’t brush too aggressively. Aggressive brushing can be traumatic to the mucous membranes causing irritation and recession. If you brush your teeth with too much pressure in it, the chances are you might cause notches near your gum line (abfraction lesions) that may lead eventually to canker sores.
Avoid acidic food.
Stay away from acidic foods. Foods with high level of acid can result in canker sores on tongue and gums. To counteract the acidity of the food that you’re going to eat, put a small amount of salt in it before eating. But don’t forget to drink plenty of water after eating.
Eat nutritious foods.
Eat nutritious foods. Eat nutritious foods especially if you’re prone to canker sores, the reason is that you might be having vitamin and minerals deficiencies. Eating nutritious foods also help ease discomfort while having canker sores.
There are many things you can try at home to prevent canker sores. But there is no guarantee that you can prevent canker sores entirely. Making these changes could very well reduce their recurring.